Sponsorship Opportunities
11th Annual Spinstock Flow Arts Festival
Saturday, June 14, 2025
Coleman Memorial Park ~ Lebanon, PA
Flow Arts: a movement-based creative expression including dance, juggling, fire-spinning, and object manipulation used to achieve a state of present-moment awareness known as Flow.
Spinstock 2025 is right around the corner and we are looking for sponsors to help us keep the Flow Arts Festival alive and thriving! We are thrilled to be celebrating our 11th anniversary! We appreciate your previous generosity and hope that you will extend your partnership with us into 2025, so we can continue this great community event held annually in Lebanon county.
The Festival is packed full with activities and fun for all ages including free flow art performances and workshops, super bubbles, hula hoops and other flow props to try, live local DJs, face painting, games, food trucks, and more. Additionally, Spinstock provides an opportunity for over 60 artists, businesses, and non-profit organizations to engage with the public in our Vendor Marketplace. Each year, we continue to grow the quality and quantity of our offerings, advertising, and support. As a result, what started a decade ago in a small neighborhood playground with about 100 locals, last year drew in over 2,500 attendees from across the Mid Atlantic region.
Our Festival increases and celebrates the culture and diversity of Lebanon county. With your support of this event, you can help make a difference in our community. Your donation will not go unnoticed. In fact, we have created sponsorship levels with all kinds of great benefits for your company - the more you give, the more you get! See the Sponsorship Benefits breakdown below for details.
2025 Sponsorship Levels
⟳ Recognition on our Website with Your Business Logo & Website Link
⟳ Recognition at the Event
⟳ Recognition on our Website with Your Business Logo & Website Link.
⟳ Recognition on Social Media
⟳ Recognition at the Event
⟳ A Banner (up to 3’ long provided by you) displayed at a prominent location at the Event.
⟳ 10’ x 10’ Booth space in the Festival Market Place for promotion and merchandise sales.
⟳ Recognition on our Website with Your Business Logo & Website Link.
⟳ Recognition on Social Media
⟳ Recognition at the Event
⟳ A Banner (up to 6’ long provided by you) displayed at a prominent location at the Event.
⟳ 10’ x 10’ Booth space in the Festival Market Place for promotion and merchandise sales.
⟳ Reserved Seating for 12 under the Event Pavilion.
⟳ Recognition on our Website with Your Business Logo & Website Link.
⟳ Recognition on Social Media
⟳ Recognition at the Event
⟳ Recognition in Press Releases.
⟳ A Banner (up to 6’ long provided by you) displayed at a prominent location at the Event.
⟳ 10’x20’ Booth Space in the Festival Market Place.
⟳ Reserved Seating for 24 under the Event Pavilion.
⟳ Your Business Logo Printed on Festival Posters & Postcards.
⟳ Recognition on our Website with Your Business Logo & Website Link.
⟳ Recognition on Social Media
⟳ Recognition at the Event
⟳ Recognition in Press Releases.
⟳ A Banner (up to 6’ long provided by you) displayed at a prominent location at the Event.
⟳ 10’x20’ Booth Space in the Festival Market Place.
⟳ Reserved Seating for 24 under the Event Pavilion.
Thank You for your consideration,
Spinstock Flow Arts Festival Development Committee
Please feel free to contact us at lebanonspinstock@gmail.com
Donations can be made online
Send donations to:
Spinstock Flow Arts Festival
144 Lehman Street
Lebanon, PA 17046